Everyday Kanban

Discussing Management, Teams, Agile, Lean, Kanban & more

Category: Metrics (page 2 of 6)

DevOpsCon18 Berlin: Finding Metrics that Matter and Using them Safely

what's important to you?

I was really excited to be invited to DevOpsCon in Berlin in May to hold a one day public workshop on Kanban and to spend an hour talking about Finding Metrics that Matter and Using them Safely. The conference was great, accommodating up to 1000 attendees and Berlin was quite nice too :).

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Finding balance with the Lagom Discovery Canvas

It is not uncommon to find ourselves needing to answer such questions as:

  • How much documentation should we write?
  • How much of our code needs test coverage?
  • How much work or how many projects can we work on at one time?

There are no stock answers to these questions. The right answer for you may be different than the right answer for the person next to you in the line for coffee in the morning. There is a parable from “The Way of Testivus” that explains this quite well.  There are some of us that want someone to tell us what to do so we can just go do it and not have to figure it out. But, there are things that no one outside of your context can tell you – they can only give you pointers and guide you in the decision-making process.

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DevOps Days SLC Keynote & Workshop

Heck in a handbasket

My theme at DevOps Days Salt Lake City seemed to be diving into the exploration of unintended consequences, especially negative ones. From my workshop on day one on “How can it go to heck in a handbasket? Exploring the Unhappy Path” to my day two keynote “The Lagom Paradox: Sometimes Less is More?!?”, I try to encourage people to see the value of looking beyond the intended consequences to trying to uncover the problems we cause that we are usually blind to and discuss how we can turn it around.

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