Everyday Kanban

Discussing Management, Teams, Agile, Lean, Kanban & more

Category: Lean (page 1 of 12)

Video to Watch: The Myth of Multitasking Test

Background Tasking; Switchtasking

Guess what? You’re not actually multitasking. You’re really doing one of two things: background tasking or switchtasking! In this video, Dave Crenshaw, author of “The Myth of Multitasking,” guides you through an experience designed at helping you gain first-hand knowledge of switchtasking and its related costs.

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Core Agendashift Workshop: Seattle 8/24

I know that many of you read this blog because you are an agent of change in your organizations – or you want to be. My next public workshop on August 24th in Seattle, WA is just the workshop for you to hone those skills.  Keep reading or register now!

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DevOpsCon18 Berlin: Finding Metrics that Matter and Using them Safely

what's important to you?

I was really excited to be invited to DevOpsCon in Berlin in May to hold a one day public workshop on Kanban and to spend an hour talking about Finding Metrics that Matter and Using them Safely. The conference was great, accommodating up to 1000 attendees and Berlin was quite nice too :).

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