Everyday Kanban

Discussing Management, Teams, Agile, Lean, Kanban & more

Month: October 2015 (page 1 of 2)

5 things managers should start doing right now

Great manager

You may have read my blog post from last year on the five things managers should stop doing right now. I thought that this time I would focus on the flip side by sharing things that made me successful with my teams. At times I speak specifically to managing in the software industry, but themes can be extracted and applied to managers in all industries.

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My top 5 topics from the 2015 DevOps Enterprise Summit

I just got back from the DevOps Enterprise Summit last night. This was the 2nd annual installation of the conference and it was three solid days of great content. My colleague, Dominica DeGrandis, was there last year and was on the organizing committee for the conference and she promised me this would be great. This was my first attendance at a DevOps specific conference so I wasn’t sure what to expect.

There were notable big names there like Jez Humble and Gene Kim. But, I found it refreshing that, in large part, the plenary sessions were comprised of people in the trenches telling stories about their company’s journey to improving quality and time to market by using DevOps principles. There were great presentations from Nordstrom (here in Seattle!), Target, Netflix, Ticketmaster, USPTO and many more. Instead of spoiling the surprise to be had from viewing the upcoming presentation videos, I wanted to share some of my overarching thoughts I had while attending the conference.
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Tips and tricks for safely wielding metrics

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